Consider your website as a residence. Just as you ponder over the layout of a house, from the number of rooms to the type of kitchen, you must make similar decisions about structuring your website. Are you opting for straightforward navigation or a more intricate design? Will your website showcase a portfolio or emphasize your thought leadership? Your website serves as your online business face, visually representing your brand and aiding you in achieving your business objectives.

Determining what you want in a website is a crucial initial step. However, it's not the only consideration. Equally important is selecting the right location and address for your site. Picture your website as the perfect house, but its location matters. Different "neighbourhoods" or hosting providers offer various advantages. Some may be cost-effective but crowded, while others may require a more significant investment but provide space and additional amenities, akin to a boutique experience.


Domain names and websites are Internet real estate

- Marc Ostrofsky

At ENS, we utilize a dedicated server through WP Engine, ensuring that our client's websites share server space only with other ENS clients, reducing malware spread and enhancing dependability. This managed WordPress server comes with security and backup monitoring, akin to a Neighborhood Watch, ensuring a secure online environment.

After picking your "neighbourhood," you need to think about your "lot" – the hosting environment. This is where your website will be built and reside within the chosen neighbourhood. Development, staging, and production environments are crucial components of this hosting environment. Development and staging are where the behind-the-scenes work occurs, while the production environment is where your website goes live, ready for visitors.

Now, with the space sorted, you need an address. Your domain, or web address, is crucial. It serves as the location for your online presence, making it easy for users to find you. Select a relevant, easy-to-remember, and easy-to-type domain. Purchasing a domain usually involves a separate registrar, and coordinating with your hosting provider is essential for a seamless experience.

In conclusion, your website is like a home online, deserving of attention and care. Much like maintaining a physical home, regular updates and monitoring are vital for a website's health. Just as you wouldn't neglect your lawn or home improvement projects, regular maintenance ensures your website remains relevant and secure. If you have questions or need assistance, we're here to help. Reach out through our contact page or give us a call.

Happy website building!
